ମାନବିକତା ଏବଂ ସାମାଜିକ ବିଜ୍ଞାନ ବିଭାଗ
ଜାତୀୟ ବିଜ୍ଞାନ ଶିକ୍ଷା ଏବଂ ଗବେଷଣା ପ୍ରତିଷ୍ଠାନ

मानविकी और सामाजिक विज्ञान विभाग
राष्ट्रीय विज्ञान शिक्षा एवं अनुसंधान संस्थान



Under Graduate Course

HS 110 Technical Communication II
HS 110

Course: UG-Core


Credit: 4

Reference Book

  1. Baudrillard, Jean (2012). The Ecstasy of Communication. Cambridge: MIT Press.
  2. Fogelin, Robert (2014). Cengage Advantage Books: Understanding Arguments. London: Wadsworth.
  3. Heidegger, Martin (2008).“The question concerning technology,”Basic Writings. New York: Harper Collins.
  4. Poovey, Mary (1998). A History of the Modern Fact. Chicago: University of Chicago press.
  5. Strunk Jr, William (1767). The Elements of Style: TheOriginal Edition (2014). London: Dover.
HS 109 Technical Communication I
HS 109

Course: UG-Core


Credit: 4

Reference Book

  1. Barrass, Robert (2002). Scientists Must Write: A Guide to Better Writing for Scientists, Engineers and Students. London: Routledge.
  2. Booth, Vernon (1993). Communicating in Science: Writing a Scientific Paper and Speaking at Scientific Meetings. Cambridge: Cambridge UP.
  3. Cottrell, Stella (2011). Critical Thinking Skills: Developing Effective Analysis and Argument. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  4. Lynn, Steven (2010). Rhetoric and Composition: An Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge UP.
  5. Ranciere, Jacques (1991). The Ignorant Schoolmaster.Redwood:Stanford UP.
  6. Ehrlich, Eugene (2011). Schaum's Outline of English Grammar, Third Edition. NY: Schaum’s.
H 133 Introduction to Sociology
H 133

Course: UG-Core


Credit: 4

Text Book

  1. Essential Readings:
  2. Harlambous, M. (1980) Sociology, Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
  3. Inkeles, A. (1982). What is Sociology, Eastern Economic Edition, New Delhi
  4. Johnson, H.M. (1991). Sociology – A Systematic Introduction, Allied Publishers, New Delhi
  5. MacIver, R.M. and Page, C.H.(1993). Society : An Introductory Analysis, Macmillan India, New Delhi
  6. Bottomore, T.B. (2000). Sociology: A Guide to Problems and Literature, S Chand Publisher, Dehradun
  7. Gisbert, P. (2004, 3 rd edition). Fundamentals of Sociology, Orient Longman
  8. Rao, C.N.(2001) Sociology, Rawat Publication, Jaipur
  9. Giddens, A. (2001). Sociology, Polity Press, UK.
  10. Supplementary Readings:
  11. Srinivas, M.N. (1985). Social Change in Modern India, Orient Longman, New Delhi.
  12. Fulcher, J and J. Scott, (2003), Sociology, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  13. Giddens, A. (1971) Capitalism and Modern Social Theory, Cambridge University Press
  14. Scott J and Marshall, G. (2009) Oxford Dictionary of Sociology
  15. Bauman, Z. (1990). Thinking Sociologically: An Introduction for Everyone, Basil Blackwell, Cambridge.
  16. Coser, L. (1996). Masters of Sociological Thought, Rawat Publication, Jaipur
  17. Abraham F and Morgan J H (1985). Sociological Thought, Macmillan, New Delhi.
H 101 Introduction to Economics
H 101

Course: UG-Core


Credit: 4

Reference Book

  1. India Budget and State Budgets
  2. Indian Public Finance Statistics
  3. RBI Handbook of Statistics on Indian Economy

Text Book

  1. Case, Karl E. and Fair Ray C.(2007) Principles of Economics, Pearson Education Inc. 8th Edition
HS 210 The City in Modern Fiction
HS 210

Course: UG-Elective


Credit: 4

Reference Book

  1. Alter, Robert. Imagined Cities: Urban Experience and the Language of the Novel. Yale UP, 2008.
  2. Bachelard, Gaston. Poetics of Space. Beacon Press, 1994.
  3. Caws, Mary A. (Ed). City Images: Perspectives From Literature, Philosophy, and Film. Routledge, 1991.
  4. Correa, Charles. A Place in the Shade. New Delhi, Penguin, 2010.
  5. De Certeau, Michel. The Practice of Everyday Life. Translated by Steven Rendall, 3 rd ed., U of California Press, 2011.
  6. Donald, James. Imagining the Modern City. U of Minnesota Press, 1999.
  7. Dubey, Madhu. Signs and Cities. U of Chicago Press, 2003.
  8. Edwards, Sarah and Jonathan Charley, editors. Writing theModern City. London, Routledge, 2011.
  9. Kalia, Ravi. Bhubaneswar : From a Temple Town to Capital City. Southern Illinois UP, 1995.
  10. Pike, Burton. The Image of the City in Modern Literature. Princeton UP, 2018.
  11. Soja, Edward W. Seeking Spatial Justice. U of Minnesota Press, 2010.
  12. Tuan, Yi-Fu. Space and Place: The Perspective of Experience. U of Minnesota Press, 1979.
  13. Williams, Raymond. The Country and the City. Oxford, OUP, 1975.
HS 209 Speculative Fiction
HS 209

Course: UG-Elective


Credit: 4

H 239 Introduction to Innovation System
H 239

Course: UG-Elective


Credit: 4

Reference Book

  1. B. Lundvall, National Systems of Innovation: Towards a Theory of Innovation and Interactive
  2. Learning, Pinter, London: 1992.
  3. C. Christensen, The Innovators Dilemma, Harvard University Press, Boston: 1997.
  4. E. Dundon, The Seeds of Innovation: Cultivating the Synergy that Fosters New Ideas, Amacom
  5. Books, New York: 2002.
  6. H. Braczyk, et.al, Regional Innovation Systems, UCL Press, London: 1998.
  7. K. Pavitt, Technology Management and Systems of Innovation, Cheltenham: 1999.
  8. M. Gibbons et.al, The New Production of Knowledge – the Dynamics of Science and Research in
  9. Contemporary Societies, Sage, London: 1994.
  10. P. Drucker, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Harper Collins Publishers, New York: 1993.
  11. R. Katz, The Human Side of Managing Technological Innovation, Oxford University Press, New
  12. York: 2004.
  13. S. Borras, The Innovation Policy of the EU, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham: 2003.
H 238 Life and Community in Urban World
H 238

Course: UG-Elective


Credit: 4

Reference Book

  1. Suggested References:
  2. B. Wellman, Networks in the Global Village, Westview Press, Boulder, CO: 1999.
  3. C.S. Fischer, and R.K. Merton, The Urban Experience, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt P, Boston:1984.
  4. E. Ben-Joseph and T. Szold (eds.), Regulating Place: Standards and the Shaping of Urban America, Routledge: New York: 2005.
  5. J. Logan and H. Molotch. Urban Fortunes: Toward a Political Economy of Place, University of California Press, California: 2007.
  6. R.W. Park, E.W. Burgess and M. Janowitz (eds.), The City, University of Chicago Press, Chicago: 1984.
  7. S. Sassen, Cities in a World Economy, Pine Forge Press, California: 2011.
  8. S. Zukin, The Culture of Cities, Blackwell, New York: 1995.
  9. W.G. Flanagan, Urban Sociolog
H 237 Science Communication and the Citizen
H 237

Course: UG-Elective


Credit: 4

Reference Book

  1. A. Irwin, Citizen Science, Routledge, London: 1995.
  2. H. Collins, and T. Pinch, The Golem: What Everyone should Know about Science, Cambridge
  3. University Press, Cambridge: 1993.
  4. H. Nowotny, P. Scott, and M. Gibbsons, Rethinking Science: Knowledge and the Public in an Age
  5. of Uncertainty, Polity, Cambridge: 2001.
  6. J. Gregory, and S. Miller, Science in Public: Communication, Culture and Credibility, Plenum,
  7. New York: 2000.
  8. M. Leach, I. Scoones, and B. Wynne, Science and Citizens: Globalization and the Challenge of
  9. Engagement, Zed, London: 2005.
H 236 Perspectives on Indian Society
H 236

Course: UG-Elective


Credit: 4

Reference Book

  1. Mandelbam, D. : Society in India (Part I & II), Popular Prakashan, Bombay, 1970
  2. Srinivas, M.N. : Caste in Modern India and Other Essays, Asia Publishing House, Bombay,1964
  3. Kapadia, K,M, : Marriage and Family in India, Oxford University Press, Calcutta,1981
  4. Srinivas, M.N. : Social Change in Modern India, Orient Longman, New Delhi, 1995
  5. Rao, M.S.A. (ed): Urban Sociology in India, Orient Longman, New Delhi, 1974
  6. Ahuja, Ram : Social Problems in India, Rawat Publications, Jaipur, 1992
  7. Kosambi, D.D. : The Culture & Civilization of Ancient India in Historical Perspective, New Delhi,1982
  8. Uberoi Patrcia (ed), Family, Kinship And Marriages in India, Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
  9. Omen, T.K. and Mukharjee, P.N. (ed),: Indian Sociology : Reflection and Introspection, Popular
  10. Prakashan, Bombay, 1986
H 235 Sociology of Science and Technology
H 235

Course: UG-Elective


Credit: 4

Reference Book

  1. Bucchi, Massimiano (2004), Science in Society: An Introduction to Social Studies of Science, Routledge.
  2. Knorr-Cetina, Karin D. (1981), The Manufacture of Knowledge: An Essay on the Constructivist and Contextual Nature of Science, Pergamon Press.
  3. Krishna, V.V. (1997), A Portrait of the Scientific Community in India: Historical Growth and Contemporary Problems, Gaillard et al. (eds). Scientific Communities in the Developing World, Sage.
  4. Merton, Robert K. (1981), Social Theory and Social Structure, Amerind. 1981
  5. Wenda K. Bauchspies, Jennifer Croissantn and Sal Restivo, (2005). Science, Technology, and Society: A Sociological Approach, Willey-Blackwell.
H 225 Introduction to Psychology
H 225

Course: UG-Elective


Credit: 4

Reference Book

  1. Morgan, C.T., King, R.A., Weisz, J.R., Scopler, J. Introduction to Psychology (7 th ed). Tata McGraw-Hill.
  2. Baron, R.A. Psychology (5 th ed) PHI New Delhi
  3. Feldman, R.S. Introduction to Psychology (6 th ed) Tata McGraw-Hill.
H 205 Environmental Economics and Environmental Impact Assessment
H 205

Course: UG-Elective


Credit: 4

Reference Book

  1. “Our Common Future” Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development

Text Book

  1. Anderson, David A. (2014) Environmental Economics and Natural Resource Management, Routledge, Fourth Edition
  2. Bhattacharya, Rabindra N. (2010) Environmental Economics: An Indian Perspective, Oxford University Press