Neural Networks at a Fraction

Presentation By: Aritra Mukhopadhyay

Neural Networks at a Fraction: Table Structure Recognition

P1: Attention Is All You Need

  Here we learn about the transformer architecture, the self-attention mechanism and the multi-head attention mechanism. We also learn about the positional encoding and the residual connections.

Aritra Mukhopadhyay
Neural Networks at a Fraction: Table Structure Recognition

P2: End-to-End Object Detection with Transformers

  DETR introduces a novel object detection approach using a transformer encoder-decoder architecture, achieving competitive accuracy and efficiency. Although it is slow, it beats Faster RCNN in terms of accuracy.

Aritra Mukhopadhyay
Neural Networks at a Fraction: Table Structure Recognition

P3: GriTS

  This paper introduces "GriTS," a novel metric for table structure recognition (TSR) evaluation. It evaluates predicted tables directly as matrices, generalizing the NP-hard 2D-LCS problem to 2D-MSS for efficient similarity assessment, outperforming other metrics and unifying TSR subtasks.

Aritra Mukhopadhyay
Neural Networks at a Fraction: Table Structure Recognition

Experiments we have done

  • Converting the models to ONNX
  • Quantization of the models
  • *Implement of real and quaternion transformer
  • Prune-Finetune vs Finetune-Prune

*We would discuss this the other day!

Aritra Mukhopadhyay
Neural Networks at a Fraction: Table Structure Recognition

Converting the models to ONNX

  • ONNX is a open format to represent deep learning models.
  • ONNX is supported by a number of frameworks and tools including Microsoft, Facebook, and Amazon.
  • To deploy the TSR model in a mobile device, we need to convert the model to ONNX format.
Aritra Mukhopadhyay
Neural Networks at a Fraction: Table Structure Recognition

Quantization of the models

  • Quantization is a technique to reduce the size of the model.
  • Quantization is done by reducing the precision of the weights and activations.
  • It is not just just changing the data type to int, it also takes care the accuracy of the model is affected the least.
Aritra Mukhopadhyay
Neural Networks at a Fraction: Table Structure Recognition

Prune-Finetune vs Finetune-Prune

This was the toughest part of the project. We took pretrained real and quaternion, pruned and unpruned models from imagenet training. We replaced their last layers from similarly pruned and trained cifar100 last layers. We then trained (finetuned) the pruned model on cifar100 and we performed prune-reset-train loop on the unpruned model. We have the results to compare.

Aritra Mukhopadhyay
Neural Networks at a Fraction: Table Structure Recognition

Aritra Mukhopadhyay
Neural Networks at a Fraction: Table Structure Recognition


Model Type Initial Accuracy Retrained Accuracy Branch
Unpruned Model 65% 77% right (finetune-prune)
Pruned Model 64% 75% left (prune-finetune)
Aritra Mukhopadhyay

it doesn't just rounds off the numbers, it can sometimes make 3.25 to 4, sometimes, 3.68 to 3

here is the plan

- Initialy the unpruned model had ~65% and the pruned model had ~64% accuracy on cifar100. - The accuracy increased to ~77% for the unpruned model on retraining on cifar 100. - The accuracy increased to 75.23% for the pruned model on retraining on cifar 100.