Outreach Page Competition - OPC

An opportunity to showcase your web development skills and not only win the opportunity to set your page as the landing page for NISER's outreach Commitee but also lots of exciting prizes.


Winners - 2021

1stAritra MukhopadhyayRaspberry Pi 3 Model B+, SoC, IoT, PoE Enabled SBC
2ndShriman KeshriExtra-Extra-Large Mouse pad (Black)
3rdRahul Vishwakarma50 Cool Laptop stickers (Linux, Programming etc.)
Here are all the submissions of OPC-2021

Exciting Prizes

All* the submitted webpages will be uploaded for showcase. First prize holder's page will be used as the official outreach landing page.

1stRaspberry Pi 3 Model B+, SoC, IoT, PoE Enabled SBC
2ndExtra-Extra-Large Mouse pad (Black)
3rd50 Cool Laptop stickers (Linux, Programming etc.)

Judging Criteria

Judges will take the following points under consideration, starting from the most important to the least important.

  1. “Getting the point across” -ness.
  2. Responsiveness (We want it working on phones, tablets, and desktops)
  3. Aesthetics
  4. Creativity/Originality
  5. Color Scheme
  6. Load time
  7. Performance
  8. S.E.O

Page Details

The page is supposed to be a landing page for the NISER outreach program.

Following content has to be on the page:

  1. Empty links to:
    • Open day
    • Educational visits of schools
    • Teacher-training workshop: Vigyan Prathiba project
  2. About us

    Science outreach is all about communicating the importance and ideologies of Science with the public. The general idea is to spread Science among the school students and teachers in a captivating way which will be encouraging enough for them to think about a future in research or education.

    NISER is mindful of its social responsibilities and has been reaching out to students and teachers to motivate them in their Scientific pursuit.

  3. Our vision

    We believe that an exposure at the right time in one's career can ignite right minds in learning and their scientific pursuit. With this in mind we invite teachers and students to have a glimpse of the research environment at NISER and expose them to the concept of "Learning by doing". NISER outreach activities provide a single window for facilities such as online and offline education from school to undergraduate level, research programs, online portal for various learning units for schools, online teachers' webinars, online and on-site teachers' workshops etc.

    NISER Open day program is introduced to invite people from various institutions/ schools can to visit NISER in order to have a glimpse of the scientific exposure along with learning. NISER Educational trips involve schools and college visits in different departments at NISER and interact with the Scientific officers. NISER hosts the Odisha chapter of the Vigyan Pratibha project in collaboration with Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar and Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (please check the full form), Mumbai and wherein teachers' training workshops are being conducted.

  4. An event calendar
  5. A section for News and announcements
  6. Gallery section
  7. NISER logo

You are allowed to use whatever technologies you want but the page has to be static.The final assets that you submit can ONLY consist of the following languages:

Web assembly is NOT allowed.


For the purposes of keeping the competition fair and having cool videos to show once the competition is done, participants have to make a time-lapse of you designing and coding the whole page out, if the time-lapse is not provided, your entry will be disqualified.

If you are using CSS frameworks like bootstrap or tailwind, or javascript frameworks like Vue or react then mention them in your readme. All these external frameworks have to be imported from unpkg. These will be considered only for tie-breaking, giving the participant which used fewer imports the advantage.

Submissions have to be emailed to us by replying to the invitation mail. The mail should contain the following:

  • A link to the GitHub/GitLab repo where the source files are
  • A .tar.gz file containing the final production build.
  • The time lapse video.


EventDate time
Participation form closes2359hrs, 5th August 2021
Submission deadline2359hrs, 8th August 2021
Results15th August 2021


Be a student of NISER during the academic year 2021-22.

*Terms and Conditions apply