[1] Matrix norms in matrix ordered spaces, Anil K. Karn and R.Vasudevan; Glasnik Mathematici, 32(52)(1997) 87-97.
[2] Approximate matrix order unit spaces, Anil K. Karn and R. Vasudevan; Yokohama Math. J., 44(1997) 73-91.
[3] Approximate matrix order unit spaces, Anil K. Karn and R. Vasudevan; Yokohama Math. J., 44(1997) 73-91.
[4] Characterizations of matricially Riesz normed spaces, Anil K. Karn and R. Vasudevan; Yokohama Math. J., 47(2000) 143-153.
[5] Compact operators whose adjoints factor through subspaces of Lp, D.P. Sinha and Anil K. Karn; Studia Mathematica, 150(1) (2002)17-33.
[6] Order units in a C*-algebra, Anil K. Karn; Pros. Indian Acad. Sci.(Math. Sci.), 113(1)(2003) 65-69.
[7] Adjoining an order unit to a matrix ordered space, Anil K. Karn;Positivity, 9 (2005) 207-223.
[8] Direct limit of matrix ordered spaces, J. V. Ramani, Anil K. Karn and Sunil Yadav; Glasnik Matematicki., Vol.40, No.2 (2005) 303-312.
[9] Direct limit of matricially Riesz normed spaces, J. V. Ramani, Anil K. Karn and Sunil Yadav; Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae, 47(1) (2006) 55-67.
[10] Corrigendum to "Adjoining an order unit to a matrix ordered space", Anil K. Karn; Positivity, 11 (2007) 369-374.
[11] Direct limit of matrix order unit spaces, J. V. Ramani, Anil K.Karn and Sunil Yadav; Colloquium Mathematicum, 113(2008),175-184.
[12] Compact operators which factor through subspaces of Lp, D. P. Sinha and Anil K. Karn; Math. Nachr., 281 No.3, (2008) 412-423.
[13] A p- theory of ordered normed spaces, Anil K. karn; Positivity, 14,(2010), 441-458.
[14] Order embedding of a matrix ordered space, Anil K. Karn; Bulletin Aust. Math. Soc., 84(2011), 10-18.
[15] Orthogonality in sequence spaces and its bearing on ordered Banach spaces, Anil K. Karn; To appear in Positivity.(Published online: DOI 10.1007/s11117-013-0242-8)
[16] Operator summability in Banach spaces, Anil K. Karn and D. P. Sinha; To appear in Glassgow Journal of Mathematics.
[17] Approximation property related to operator ideals, Anil K. Karn and D. P. Sinha; (Communicated for publication).(
[18] Dual of a normed F-bimodule, Anil K. Karn; (Submitted for publication).

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